Home Q&A Forum Computer Help Download a bill

  • TeamKomando:John

    September 20, 2021 at 10:43 am

    Hello Lynda,

    Generally speaking, you would log into your utility’s web portal, then navigate to the billing section. Sometimes they will have a “download pdf” link next to the bill. Sometimes you need to view the bill then print to .PDF. Now that you have a copy of the bill you can upload that .PDF to the second website.

    How to Print a PDF From a Website in Safari
    Navigate to the page you want to save.
    Go to the File menu and select Print. …
    Go to the lower-left corner of the print window and select the PDF drop-down arrow.
    Select Save as PDF.
    Enter a title for the PDF and choose where to save it.
    Select Save.

    How to save a webpage as a PDF on Windows in Google Chrome
    Open the webpage you want to save.
    In the top right corner of the screen, click the three dots to bring down the browser menu.
    From the dropdown menu, choose “Print.”
    The Print settings window will appear.
    Change the destination to “Save as PDF.”

    • Lynda Innes

      November 15, 2021 at 5:16 pm


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