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  • Eero Wifi Mes ~ adult blocker

    Posted by waterskier on October 20, 2021 at 9:04 am

    I use eero wifi mesh and it works well in my home. I bought the service from eero that would block adult sites at the eero router level, but I had to manually add each device to block. I did this in case a child’s friend came over or a school computer came home it would be harder to access adult content. Eero forcing me to go device by device defeats the purpose of blocking it at the router level.

    I went to playboy.com and a few other obvious sites and eero only blocked a few of them. It was very easy to get through and I can’t image a teenager having any trouble.

    Do you have any suggestions for blocking porn on eero wifi mesh that would make a guest device more difficult to access adult content?


    waterskier replied 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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