1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by TeamKomando:John 3 years, 8 months ago
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    • #46564

      Rick Buchan

      I have a problem trying to use a 60″ Mitsubishi DLP TV as a monitor for my (self made) ASUS Win 7 pc. Previously (with the use of a HDMI splitter ) I have has this tv displaying pc as well as my 22″ pc monitor simultaneously and they have both displayed fine.. For some reason this does not work anymore. I have a 32″ flat screen TV I use as a monitor as well with no issues. I have taken the splitter out to simplify trouble shooting. With ONLY the DLP connected via HDMI to the graphics card, here is what happens…. restart pc …on the DLP I see the ASUS POST screens etc windows colours are displayed (They move around and then form the Windows logo etc ) . What should happen next is the Welcome screen should appear with the area for you to enter your password and your desktop should appear. Nope. All I get is a blue screen. Just says HDMI 2. No msg saying “no signal” but that is pretty much the case. Is not HDMI cable because I can use same cable to connect to the TV Cable box and DLP is fine. Also (then) is not the DLP’s HDMI input. Can’t see it being the video card because other monitors & TV’s display fine. Also I don’t see why it displays ASUS Start up screen POST screen etc fine and the start of Win 7 boot up all fine and THEN just the blank blue screen…. any help would be appreciated! Thanks

    • #46569


      Hello Rick,

      Are you using extend or mirrored option with the second display? You may want to try lowering the resolution for the 60′ or even try using a different HDMI cable. Be sure you have the latest graphics card driver installed.

      Try only hooking up the 60′ using an HDMI directly from the PC to the tv, if you still get the blue screen, try lowering the resolution for that display in the PC settings.

      Let us know how that goes first and we can continue troubleshooting.

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