2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Harriet Yoder 4 years, 10 months ago
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    • #41066

      Harriet Yoder

      My Samsung Galaxy S9+ updated last night and I woke to signing in to a screen with no icons!

      Because my Note 4 updated a couple of years ago and wouldn’t take my password or thumbprint (had to buy a new phone…) I panicked.

      The solution was that I was able to get the pull-down screen with the settings and it let me add my eye scanner, then it worked. Whew!

      I like the eye scanner now so it makes up for the glitch.

      Thankful that I do have it backed up just in case.

    • #41067

      Komando Community

      What a strange issue. Glad to hear you found a work around. Thank you for sharing!

      Regarding that Note 4: If you ever get locked out of a device again you can try to reset it. Here is how to do this for an Android phone:

      You can also perform some actions remotely, if you have the option enabled on your Google account:

    • #41068

      Harriet Yoder

      It was strange! Thanks for the tips!

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