2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Wally Otting 4 years, 9 months ago
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    • #40970

      Wally Otting

      It seems that Facebook needs me to change my password every day. Now they say they need a copy of my photo ID in order to verify I am who I say I am. I am not comfortable with this. Am I somehow being scammed? Or is this a legitimate practice?

    • #40972

      Komando Community

      Hi @Wally

      It sounds unusual you would be asked to change your password every day. However, Facebook does sometimes request ID verification. If there have been multiple failed login attempts or the validity of the name on your account is in question, they may request this information. There are other situations in which this may occur as well. Some details about this process can be found here:


      If you are unsure about the legitimacy of the email or other notice you received, you can actually upload the ID right through the form at the link above through the Facebook website.

    • #41080

      Wally Otting

      Thanks! I did get my account reactivated.

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