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  • TeamKomando:John

    May 10, 2021 at 10:16 am

    If you are looking for a password manager and antivirus then Secure+ is definitely worth the price. Please keep in mind to take advantage of the Advanced protection,
    Block Ads, Block / Allow websites, SafeSearch. You cannot have the Eero mesh system connected in bridge mode. You can click here to see what features are unavailable if you are using bridge mode.

    If you don’t think you need a password manager and Antivirus, then Secure is definitely worth the money if you are looking to take advantage of the following features.

    Advanced protection against online threats for all the devices on your network
    Block Ads to remove ads from websites and applications
    Block / Allow websites to block or allow specific websites on your network or devices.
    SafeSearch to feel rest assured that Google search results are appropriate
    Content Filtering to set profile-specific filters against different types of content
    VIP support

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