Home Q&A Forum Social Media Facebooking to Honduras – secure??

  • Facebooking to Honduras – secure??

    Posted by Arlen Ely on January 30, 2022 at 11:16 am

    Hello. I would like to reach out to someone in Central America. A friend recommended Facebook “buddy.” I have never signed up for Facebook due to some concerns I have. I was wondering if Facebook is a secure way to communicate. Or is there some other way that would be better. Thanks.

    Arlen Ely replied 2 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • TeamKomando:John

    January 31, 2022 at 3:04 pm

    Hello Arlen Ely,

    If you are concerned with privacy I recommend using Signal or Telegram, I have linked both pages for you.

    I recommend using Signal.

  • Arlen Ely

    February 2, 2022 at 6:05 pm

    Hello John. Thanks for the response and links. I liked what I saw. I was trying to activate Signal, but when it asked for my cell# to text a code to me, for some reason my T-Mobile phone did not get it. I’ve had this same issue with a few banks. So as soon as I get that corrected I’ll get signed up. Thanks again.

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