9 replies, 5 voices Last updated by shirley o 4 years, 8 months ago
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    • #39751


      I’m still using Facebook after 15 years, to keep in touch with family, as well as Vietnam veteran Seabee friends and other close friends, as it took me years to get so many long lost family members to join Facebook, and I’d hate to lose them. I have become so close to many family members that I hadn’t heard from in 50 years or more. I have several Vietnam vet friends with PTSD, and Facebook has become a real healing therapy, as they can work through their PTSD with others that have been there. Most of my Vietnam vet friends are Seabees that I served with, or they were over there around the same time I was. I also do a lot of hiking, and I enjoy sharing photos and stories of my adventures, which receive lots of likes and comments. I am 73, and most of my friends my age, or younger, are not healthy enough to get out and do the things I do, and they appreciate traveling with me, virtually. I have always been rather shy, and Facebook has become a vessel to help me to come out of my shell. I know there are a lot of privacy issues, but I am willing to put up with them, unlike a few of my friends that have deactivated their account, as Kim Komando has. I really miss Kim’s likes and comments.

    • #40282


      BetaGary, I too like FB for the same reasons you are writing above. As long as you keep the privacy issues in toe, then FB shouldn’t be a problem. I too have had family members deactivate their accounts; it is a shame because we are not able to communicate anymore. But, I say, it is their loss. We can go on; they are the ones missing. Keep your chin up and live day to day.

    • #40284


      Good for you, Mary Dias. Yes, as you said, their loss. I have a sister in Hawaii that I have been out of touch with for about 40 years, and we have since become good friends on FB. She was adopted by my dad & step-mom after my parents divorced when I was 9. In 2016, I spent a week with her at her home on Oahu, and we did lots of hiking and other adventures together. That would never have happened without FB. Also, a childhood friend, that I hadn’t seen in almost 60 years, found me on FB, and we have rekindled our friendship.

    • #40286


      Yes, I know what you mean. I lived in the Panama Canal Zone when I was in Jr. High. Took a cruise through the Canal. I was able to connect to some former schoolmates through FB before I went on my cruise. It was nice hearing from them — the only thing — it was so long ago I really didn’t remember that much stuff. But it was good talking to them via FB.

    • #40333

      A Fuller

      I am still using Facebook also, but I limit it to direct relatives and a few good friends. I never download anything or play games on the platform. So far no problems. Yes, I have also been contacted by a few long lost friends resulting in phone calls or messages that were a lot of fun. Gary, I also am a Vietnam vet and was in DaNang for a year in 68-69. I was a Wildlife Biologist in Arizona for 25 years. Retired now, and I do computer repair and networking to keep busy.

    • #40336


      A Fuller, thank you for your service, and welcome home Brother! Wildlife Biologist huh? Very interesting. Are you still living in AZ? I grew up in southern California, where I went to work for Ma Bell after leaving active duty with the Seabees. Then I transferred to the Sierra foothills of northern CA in 1972. I retired about 13 years ago. It’s so much nicer up here. I’d like to get out of California because of the taxes and politics, but I’d hate to move away from the kids & grandkids. I also love this area, where the weather is mild, but we still get 4 seasons, and there are lots of places to go hiking and enjoy nature. I share lots of photos & videos on FB, so my non-hiking friends and family can enjoy my adventures. My profile and cover photos were taken last month on a hike on the Pacific Crest Trail at Echo Lakes, near Echo Summit. I also do a little computer repair & tech support for my friends. Kim Komando has helped me a lot with that.

    • #40339

      A Fuller

      Yes, I am still in Arizona, in the same town where I graduated High School in 1964. Retired from Game & Fish Dept in Nov 2002. Began doing computer work for fun and for friends and it became a new job.

      I plan to retire completely when Microsoft stops supporting windows 7 in January 2020. I will move all my online computers to Linux. Safer and no monthly maintenance required. Thanks for the reply.

    • #41102

      Susan Bird

      I want to thank you for your service. I’m happy you find enjoy FB, I have a really hard time trusting it.

    • #41103


      Susan Bird, why do u have a hard time trusting it? You can regulate who sees your posts and you can make it so anything you post cannot be shared. Kim has some really good tips on keeping your privacy.

    • #41678

      shirley o

      I, too, keep Facebook as it lets me connect with family far away and we can keep in touch. Try to keep mine limited to family and very close friends but
      would not like to be without it. I am 85 yrs and blessed to be apart of it.

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