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  • Kids and Social Media

    Posted by robbelothe on August 10, 2020 at 7:22 am

    What social media sites can kids and teens access? Which ones should be of concern to parents? Are there “hidden” sites parents should know about? What red flags should a parent look for? Thanks.

    KimKomando replied 4 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • KimKomando

    August 10, 2020 at 9:39 am

    Hi Robb,

    Thanks for your questions. Before I dive in and answer, can you tell me what prompted your question? Also, how old are the kids in question?

  • robbelothe

    August 10, 2020 at 9:49 am

    Hi! Thanks for the response.

    I’m a volunteer with our local Sheriff’s office and I’ve been asked to put together some presentations for elementary and high school kids on these subjects: Create a How To Guide for Parents on Monitoring Their Kids on Social Media; Create a Daily Calendar/Log to Help Parents Check Their Kids’ Electronic Devices; and Develop Some Tips for Young Adults (i.e. teenagers) on Using Social Media Responsibly. I know this is “tall order” but my kids are long gone from our household and I’m retired so my subject matter expertise on these topics is really dated. I need help. Thanks.

    Ed Robbeloth
    Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office Volunteer

  • KimKomando

    August 10, 2020 at 3:06 pm

    Hello Ed,

    (sorry about calling you Robb!)

    This work is so very important. Too often, parents don’t seek this info until it’s too late.

    You will need different presentations for each age group, one for elementary and one for high school.

    Start with parents and kids to have a meeting on the minds of what is acceptable to their family. I put together a contract for kids that I have consistently kept updated for the last 20+ years.

    You can find it here on my site: https://www.komando.com/contract/

    Then, how about we talk? If you will fill out this form on my site, we can schedule a time for us to work more on your project together. https://www.komando.com/contact-us/askkim/

    Thank you Ed,
    Kim 🙂

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