1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by TeamKomando:John 4 years, 1 months ago
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    • #43848


      Kim, I recently moved and my new neighbor is now sharing the tv screen on my new smart TV. That is creepy, how do I cancel his access to my TV screen? I tried FIOS they say it’s not then but LG. Can you please help me with this creep?

    • #43849


      Hello 46797,

      I believe you have Miracast or Wifi Direct casting enabled, if you can provide the model number of your TV I may be able to let you know where the setting is to turn it off.

      Also if you are connected to the internet over wireless, be sure you are connected to your own wireless network, It might even be worthwhile to change your wireless password to be safe.

      If you TV is hardwired to the modem / router, you can disable wireless all together to avoid this issue.

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