2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Robert Schmidt 3 years ago
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    • #50417

      Robert Schmidt

      Hi Everyone:

      I’m brand new, and thought this as good an opportunity as any to ask if any of You are familiar with, ‘LEMISFIX?’ I’ve now purchased 2 replacement logic board from them; 1 for My iPhone 5c and yesterday I received one for My iPhone 7 Plus. Sadly in the case of the iPhone 5c I still can’t get it to power up. I replaced logic board twice, and I bought new screen. Still the iPhone 5c has no life, and I have no idea why. And, YES I know it’s considered obsolete.

      Now, I just started working on iPHone 7 Plus last night, so it’s too early for Me to point fingers as far as worrying about any part being defective. But, I would really like to know how the Komando Community feels about, ‘LEMISFIX,’ and I want to emphasize I am not trying to push the envelope as far as any community rules You have. I definitely come in peace, but I also need You to be honest with Me if for any reason You have doubts about LEMISFIX.

      Thanks in advance for your feedback!


    • #50438


      I have never heard of LEMISFIX, but upon searching it there are many bad reviews of people saying it is a scam. Glad you got your logic boards, I am not sure whether they are defective. I have used ifixit.com in the past without issue should you need an alternative parts supplier.

    • #50449

      Robert Schmidt

      Thank You for taking the time to reply. At this point having purchased 2 from them; because frankly no one else seemed to have any, I have no choice but to consider them a total scam! I’ve been handling all the hardware repair on My Macbook Pro laptop since roughly 2018 and there is no way I messed up twice. For reason not important here I have replaced the logic board on the Mac at least half a dozen times successfully using the repair guides Ifixit.com has. No way I blew it with both board Lemisfix alleges were functional. When You add the reviews We have both read I have to conclude they are a scam. Fortunately I can still get a full refund on the last purchase since I used My B of A card.

      Thanks Again!


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