
3 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Shermy 5 years, 1 months ago
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  • Author
    • #39701

      Komando Community

      Does anyone know of a home router that supports hairpin NATing? Asking for a friend.

    • #40019

      Komando Community

      Seriously no reply’s?

    • #40049

      Ol Gramps

      I hadn’t heard of this before but googled and searched on YouTube.
      You want to find a router and I saw a Netgear community response with R8900/Nighthawk X10 AD7000 Smart WiFi router.
      I also found MikroTik which looked way too pricey for most homes.

      This gets into pretty technical stuff beyond me. I always watch YouTube videos to walk me through steps that are complex and unfamiliar to me.

      But you probably already are beyond this.

    • #40199


      EdgeRouter X is supposed to support Hairpin NAT. Had to do a little research to understand what it was all about but it’s an interesting concept.

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