1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by J.C. Hall 1 years, 10 months ago
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  • Author
    • #55283

      Sandy Landers

      I’ve been inundated daily over the past few months with hundreds of emails from various sites that I did NOT sign up for. They show up on all my devices.iPhone,iMac and iPad. Is there a way to BLOCK them? Also is there a way to sync all my devices so I can delete it once from one device that will delete the others at the same time. Very frustrated and annoyed. I believe it started when I naively clicked on an email from a friend whose email turned out to be a spam. PLEASE HELP! Thanks. Sandy Landers

    • #55422

      J.C. Hall

      Your email address is toast, you can look it up here and see where it was breached: Google “Have I been Pwned”. If it says your email address is clean, then a family or friend leaked your email address if you use the same email address for everything.

      Before you get a new email address and register it to all the websites you have accounts with, you may want to look at an article I wrote that shows a more efficient approach: linkedin.com/pulse/tired-spam-its-time-new-approach-email-j-c-hall

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