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Home Q&A Forum Show Questions Two GPS apps for anyone trying to find and mark the boundaries of their property

  • Two GPS apps for anyone trying to find and mark the boundaries of their property

    Posted by KimKomando on August 23, 2021 at 2:17 pm

    Glyn from Osceola, Wisconsin is trying to plot his 80-acre property. “I know where the corners are, but when I’m going from one point to another, I don’t know where those boundaries are,” he said.

    I told him he should try LandGlide, a GPS property line map app. You can use it to measure the distance between points on a map. With LandGlide, finding and marking your properties is easy. It’s free for the first seven days. After that, you can either spend $10/mo or $100 each year.

    One of my listeners, Don McRoberts, heard the radio broadcast and reached out a helping hand. He told us about ExpertGPS, which runs on Windows. You can use either free or paid versions of the app.

    Don says this app is super helpful when he joins the annual Pony Express Re-ride event each spring. “I follow the pony across the state of Nevada to provide communication and other assistance, as needed along the way,” he said. ExpertGPS helps him mark the rider and pony exchanges along the route. The app keeps up, even when he’s traveling through remote areas without cellphone or internet services.

    Thanks so much for reaching out, Don! I always love hearing about new resources that help my listeners out.

    KimKomando replied 3 years, 5 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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