1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by TeamKomando:John 3 years, 10 months ago
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    • #45989


      I own a small business that is mostly virtual. I do love my Vonage for business but have one pain point.

      If I’m away from the office the caller rings on my smartphone and the office phone also. If the office answers the call my smartphone says “missed call”. This is of course, not the case since the office serviced the caller.

      I’ve mentioned this for years to Vonage for Business and they have done nothing.

      Is there a better option that would allow me better knowledge if the office answered a call or if the caller really was missed? With this virus, I see going more and more virtual and less and less in the office. Perhaps it is time to find a new phone provider.

    • #46014


      Hello waterskier,

      Great question, good thing I’m quite familiar with VoIP. You are currently using a feature called simultaneous ring, meaning the office app / phone will ring along with your cell phone at the same time causing the issue you are currently having.

      You will want to disable simultaneous ring and enable Follow me, the follow me feature will ring your office app / phone for 10 seconds then your cell phone for 10 seconds sequentially. You can use up to 5 different destinations if needed.

      You can find more information by tapping or clicking here regarding the follow me feature.

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