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My Internet provider is ATT Uverse and it is frustratingly S-L-O-W! We do not have fiber optics in my area. I’m ready to switch to XFinity but I’m wondering if it will be the same or if it will be any faster or will the EERO system help. I am in desperate need of some advice.
Sandy Landers
Hello Sandy,
If you are having wireless issues throughout the house then yes switching to an Eero system will definitely help speed things up.
If you have any devices that are hard wired to your modem / router, how well does that device perform online with the wired connection? If that device is also slow you are going to want to upgrade to a cable Internet Service provider if possible. You can visit fast.com to automatically start a speed test, once you have the download speed test results (in Mbps), you can click “show more” info to reveal the upload speed test along with the response time. Please share those numbers with us or compare them to the plan you are paying you currently paying your Internet Service provider for, as they may not be delivering what you are expecting.
I hope that helps you out, let us know if you have any more questions.
Hi Team Komando,
Thanks for getting back to me. I do have Internet thru AT&T and my computer is directly next to the AT&T U-Verse modem/router combo connected via an Ethernet cable.
I ran the speed test several times and got various numbers each time.
Yesterday using with fast.com I got: Download 710 Kbps and Upload 170 Kpbs. NOT Mbps
Ran it again and got:Download 930 Kbps and Upload 330 Kbps.
A few times I would gt a Pop-up message saying Oop’s can’t connect to the server. What does that mean?
I just rebooted my system and at the moment it seems to be opening websites a little faster.
Sandy Landers
Hello Sandy,
Thanks for the update, those speeds are very low. I’m sure something is wrong with either your Modem (recommended to replace every 2 years) or you may have noise on your DSL line. Check with your ISP to see what speeds you should be getting with your selected plan. They may very well have to send a technician out to see if there is noise on the line.
Best of luck.