1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by TeamKomando:Amber 4 years, 5 months ago
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  • Author
    • #42170

      Steph Curts

      Has anyone found a good email/computer security (hacking) book for beginners? I want to gain a wee bit more knowledge so that I can avoid making missteps when using my email / browser to surf the internet. My best defense so far is avoiding opening and clicking on links within received emails, but I want to understand the top mistakes people make while using their own computer so that I don’t fall into the same pothole.

    • #42172


      Hey Steph,

      Check out this one:

      If you have Kindle Unlimited you can read it for free. Otherwise it is available by eBook or Paperback. I checked it out myself and I feel it has really great, in-depth yet easy to understand information for you. It gives you a good overview of basic tech knowledge and goes over all the different types of security risks you might encounter, why they are a problem, and how you can prevent them.

      Of course, Kim has tons of information on the topic as well!

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